Table of contents:

Add SSH connection to config

You can use ssh my_machine instead of ssh my_user@123.456.901.234 to connect to the machine. To do this you need to create or edit a config file for SSH. The path for a user is ~/.ssh/config

Host my_machine
  HostName 123.456.901.234
  User my_user

There are a lot of options:

Host my_machine
  HostName 123.456.901.234
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_key.pem
  User my_user
  Port 1234

You can add multiple connections:

Host my_machine
  HostName 123.456.901.234
  User my_user

Host my_machine_2
  HostName 987.654.321.987
  User my_user_2

Send a file to a machine or upload a file from a machine

If you created a config in “Add SSH connection to config” section of this page:

# send file to my_machine
scp my_file.txt my_machine:/my/path
# upload file from my_machine
scp my_machine:/my/path/my_file.txt my_file.txt

You need to run it from a machine where the SSH config (with my_machine configuration) is stored.

Allow two users to push to GitHub using different SSH keys on the same Linux machine


# User 1's GitHub account
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_user1

# User 2's GitHub account
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_user2

git clone:

# For user 1
git clone

# For user 2
git clone

After that, any Git commands executed in the repo_user1 folder will utilize user1’s keys, and any Git commands performed in the repo_user2 folder will use user2’s keys.